Does Your Birth Month Affect Your Health?

Does Your Birth Month Affect Your Health?

( – Many of us enjoy reading our daily horoscopes and read them diligently each day. Whether we’re into them or not, some people believe our birth month may say a lot about our lifestyles and health. Potentially influencing everything from medical conditions to risks for ailments, check out how our birth months may provide us clues to optimizing our health.

A Quick Rundown

According to The/Thirty, a 2015 study took info from 1.75 million patients treated through Columbia University Medical Center. Using medical records from 1900 to 2000, they correlated specific health issues to the month someone was born.

  • January — High blood pressure and heart disease
  • February — Lung cancer and bronchitis
  • March — Heart disease and circulatory issues
  • April — Heart issues
  • May — No correlations
  • June — Asthma
  • July — No correlations
  • August — Eye infections
  • September — Psychosocial issues, fevers, respiratory infections
  • October — Stomach and eyesight issues
  • November — Colon issues, tonsillitis and learning difficulties
  • December — Bruising

While these correlations refer to potentially increased risks for these conditions, the only way to accurately monitor health and risks is through regular assessments from healthcare providers. Should symptoms arise, an accurate diagnosis from a doctor would be the only way to confirm a medical problem.

Seasonal Conditions May Play a Factor

Researchers considered that seasonal conditions may be a contributing factor as to why some people are prone to certain health issues. If mothers are pregnant during the first part of the year, they may get more vitamin D exposure as compared to women expecting during the latter part of the year, who may instead come in contact with things like the flu virus. Both of these factors could affect babies as they develop in the womb.

Should You Bring It Up to Your Doctor?

If you have symptoms or concerns related to any of your birth month’s health ailments, it’s a good idea to keep your medical team aware. Keep in mind that just because there may be a correlation, there is no implied causation — and this might be the reason a healthcare professional would hesitate to jump on the data from the Columbia University study. If you have symptoms, follow up with your healthcare team until you receive satisfactory answers.

Environmental and Genetic Factors Play a Bigger Part

Doctors are more likely to be more concerned with our genetics and environmental factors. They may ask questions about:

  • Family history of disease like cardiovascular and cancer.
  • The age and condition of our homes, including whether it might contain lead paint or asbestos.
  • Our levels of activity, including whether we exercise.
  • Our diet — and they might include blood tests to evaluate health markers like cholesterol, blood glucose, kidney health, and liver health.
  • Our employment conditions, including whether we work with hazardous chemicals or under hazardous conditions.

All of these things can contribute to disease development and increase or decrease our risks.

Anyone can develop any of the ailments listed in the Columbia University study. While correlative studies like the one Columbia University produced may help determine risk factors, it’s not the only piece in the bigger puzzle of why some people develop disease conditions while others do not. There are so many additional factors at play. Knowing the risks arms us with knowledge, but following healthy lifestyle choices and undergoing regular physical exams in consultation with a doctor is the best way to avoid illnesses and maintain our health.

~Here’s to Your Health & Safety!

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